Coca-Cola Expedition 206
Agency: ICON (Formerly Iconologic)
Coca-Cola sells its beverages in 206 countries—that's every country on Earth, depending on how you count. So Coke was uniquely poised to to try and learn what makes people happy in every corner of the world. They sent three messengers out to visit all of those countries over the course of one year. It was a whirlwind trip—with the travelers sometimes only spending a few hours in a place before hustling to the next border—and at the end of that year they were a few passport stamps shy of the whole world. But what a journey. At Iconologic, I created this imaging system to celebrate and promote their sprawling adventure. I was inspired by travel notebooks, road signs, and the grubby, frayed-edged maps and papers that can be found in the pockets of intrepid travelers everywhere.